January 6, 2011

Salsa Sauce Your LIMS- Train Your Customers to WOW it

Your Laboratory Information Management System is the best-you say. 
Advanced Storage and Logistics Modules, Bio-specimen Banking, Paperless Micro-Lab Environmental Monitoring, Decision Support and other robust functionalities. 

Easy integration, 24/7 tech support, and did I forget LIVE, ONSITE Training!
And then post-release training support- 
**LIMS User Training: 6 Days Advanced, Cost $ 5000/ $ 6000; 
**LIMS Admin/ QA/ Caliberation/etc, etc: More days, more dollars.

Hold your breath, inhale deep and think NOTHING. 

Let your customers take easy sweet time to log-on to your training portal, engage with your LIMS online training, explore functions, take assessments and WOW, Your's is a great one. 

How butter it could be, if someone had told you earlier, or you could have read this before. 

An online interactive, engaging and intuitive LIMS module could save 60% of your post sale/ implementation hustles. 

Ask me, I have done this for others. How we do it? 

1. Learner-centered Curriculum- We introspect User Populations Served, Objectives they seek, Provider Models Available, Learning Theory, Methods, and Principles. 
2. Employment of Instructional StrategiesAdult Learning Theory, Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, Bloom’s Taxonomy as appropriate. 
3. Engagement Strategies- Scenario-based strategies, Learn-by-doing strategies (Hands-on Simulation Practices), online interactive Instruction. 
4. Assessments- Formative Knowledge Checks and summative Assessments, Progress Checks (Animated reinforcement questions, Simulated Exercises).

5. Learning Aids- 
**Steps at a Go (Quick reference instructions to perform steps). 

**Notes, Tips, Glossary, Search, Help, Voice Narration.

Do you think your users would seek training? I could SHOW HOW. Post your interests and share your stuff.

Geee :-)

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